Arithmetic operators are used in mathematical expressions in the same way that they
are used in algebra.
The following table lists the arithmetic operators:
Operator Result
+ Addition
– Subtraction (also unary minus)
* Multiplication
/ Division
% Modulus
++ Increment
+= Addition assignment
–= Subtraction assignment
*= Multiplication assignment
/= Division assignment
%= Modulus assignment
– – Decrement
Arithmetic Operators With Example
The basic arithmetic operations—addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division—
all behave as you would expect for all numeric types. The minus operator also has
a unary form which negates its single operand. Remember that when the division
operator is applied to an integer type, there will be no fractional component attached to
the result.
The following simple example program demonstrates the arithmetic operators. It
also illustrates the difference between floating-point division and integer division.
// Demonstrate the basic arithmetic operators.
class BasicMath {
public static void main(String args[]) {
// arithmetic using integers
System.out.println("Integer Arithmetic");
int a = 1 + 1;
int b = a * 3;
int c = b / 4;
int d = c - a;
int e = -d;
System.out.println("a = " + a);
System.out.println("b = " + b);
System.out.println("c = " + c);
System.out.println("d = " + d);
System.out.println("e = " + e);
// arithmetic using doubles
System.out.println("\nFloating Point Arithmetic");
double da = 1 + 1;
double db = da * 3;
double dc = db / 4;
double dd = dc - a;
double de = -dd;
System.out.println("da = " + da);
System.out.println("db = " + db);
System.out.println("dc = " + dc);
System.out.println("dd = " + dd);
System.out.println("de = " + de);
When you run this program, you will see the following output:
Integer Arithmetic
a = 2
b = 6
c = 1
d = -1
e = 1
Floating Point Arithmetic
da = 2.0
db = 6.0
dc = 1.5
dd = -0.5
de = 0.5
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